
Traveling Abroad? Need Your Shots? Try the Japanese Quarantine Association.

Our Family travels to Malawi, Africa this coming December and preparation requires Inoculation for Tetanus (Hasyo-fu), Yellow Fever (Oh-netsu-byo), Polio (Polio), Rabies (Kyo-ken-byo), Hepatitis A & B (A-gata & B-gata kan-en), and a request for Malaria (malah-ri-ah) Prophylactics. 

We received excellent support at the Yokohama Clinic of Japanese Quarantine Center located just a few hundred Meters from the Yokohama Marine Tower at the Industrial Trade Center’s  3rd Floor.  We slid thru the doors five minutes before closing on Saturday (11:55 AM) and received excellent advice and professional medical care.  The seasoned staff proved well versed with National Health Data and had resources at hand.
Should there services be necessary to your next trip, prepare following before your visit:
-Passport (Official Documents will be issued), List of Previous Inoculations, Travel Schedule (Will you stop in a country that requires further specialized vaccinations?), and Cash. (Yellow Fever costs 11,000 Yen per vaccination and credit cards are not accepted.)
The Japanese Quarantine Association also has its Tokyo Clinic at the 5th floor of Tekko Building, which is a 5 minute walk from  JR Tokyo Station.  No Reservations are necessary except for Inoculations for Yellow Fever.

Japanese Quarantine Association (Access)  http://www.kenekieisei.or.jp/access.html


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    1. Thank you for positive feed-back. Great to hear the article helped, good luck with all your travels and time spent in Japan.

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